lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Expansionismo nazi

Este vídeo nos ayudará a comprender la parte del contexto histórico dónde se nos habla del expansionismo nazi ¡SERÁ DE GRAN AYUDA!

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Survivor´s testimony

We all know that death camps were horrible, and there were too many deaths. But...can we imagine how´d it be living there? In this video a survivor from Auschwitz tells us a little about the first time she got there.

In this video, Ruth Brand, a Jewish woman, explains how she was took by the nazis in a train, and how they were treated:like rubbish. They were in that train for three days and three nights, until, one night the train stopped.
Many men wearing striped shirts opened the doors, prohibiting taking anything. They didn't know what was happening, and she was so terrified and confused, she was only sixteen years old! They couldn't help anyone, even if a kid fall over. There were people ordering that men and women(including children in this group) should be separated. 
People were shouting, crying and screaming, it was a chaos. There was a man, and he was saying where they had to go. Her family went to a different place than her, because they chose her for working. They were took to a room, in where they had to get undress, and wait there sitting facing the wall. The soldiers shaved their hair, she felt like she was being sheared! 
They had to leave the room, and everyone looked the same. They found a gruop of women dressing in grey, so they asked them when they´d visit their families. The women answered if they knew where they were. 
They were in Auschwitz. They told them that they were burning their family and killing everyone. That day, was the last time that Ruth Brand saw her family.

In the video she mentions Auschwitz. Auschwitz was a network of concentratiom and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II. It consisted of Auschwitz I ; Auschwitz II–Birkenau; Auschwitz III-Monowitz,and 45 satellite camps.

Auschwitz today                    Gas chambre